Toronto Festival of the Beaches: Author and Publisher Waiting List

by great-festival Premium

We're seeking to support and empower non-fiction and fiction authors / publishers who seek to boost their visibility.

Festival of the Beaches is part of a series of events at various locations with the goal of empower engaging / inspiring authors to reach new people who will hopefully become their regular clients in the future.

We seek to only invite the best indie authors and publishers in their respective categories which ensures a high quality event for Expo attendees.

We provide B2B networking and B2C showcasing not only to Toronto attendees but across Canada and internationally through our social media promotions and media partners.

Our kick-off event takes place on November 9, 2024 at a fabulous Community Facility in the downtown Toronto.

We invite authors, publishers, artisans, food vendors and other entrepreneurs.

Do you seek to boost visibility of your books?

Please note: Current discounted table-kiosque price: $387.

Contact us for more information or to get involved.

Tel: 514-712-7516

Email: [email protected]

We currently have a kiosque available.

Register here for it:


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You could be #7 on the list

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