The Caldron is a basic BareBone driver modular encased in an enclosure that is identical to the PortSide Mini but is cut to 68mm tall rather than 100mm which is the length of the PSM. This unit does NOT contain a battery and is designed for an external power source. It requires an external 12-volt high current power supply that is included with the package. The power is fed through a 5.5X2.1mm standard DC connector which is detachable at the side of the unit.
To activate the heater, you simply press the VC straight into the hole until you feel/hear the tactile switch engage and LED light goes on. Once the VC clicks, remove and inhale. Depending on preference, additional seconds may be required.
Note: I provide NO external "battery" options. The unit comes with a 12 volt 8 Amp Supply.
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