Cheer Emotes

by sharese Free | p2p

Hey Guys! So as you know affiliates get cheer badges now :)
- I am going to be doing them for FREE till i have built my portfolio a bit better, then will start charging £5-10 for first 9! :)

I can do my best to make whatever you want and then colour them in the normal twitch cheer emote colour theme, or colours you want specifically.

I will create the initial sketch/outline, with different options like shading ect & find out if you are happy with it before going ahead to do the colours & sizes. I will have tested them in all themes (eg; dark mode) to make sure they are visible on all backgrounds and devices without distorting.

Everything will be sent via email once complete in PNG form, you will be able to upload them to your channel instantly.
- I will also post on my twitter and discord with a completed panel.

[Join my discord to support me in my own streams & see all other art work i create in my #Creations tab]


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