Curly and wavy hair girls I have something super exciting to share with you !

As a curly hair girl I have always struggled with wearing straight extensions having to straighten my leave out and in between my extensions has always been a pain , looking for curly hair extensions that were the right colour curl pattern and in the method I wanted just never seemed to happen for me.

When I became a hair extension specialist my ultimate goal was to be able to provide curly hair extensions for girls like myself who were just over wearing straight extensions… this is now becoming my reality !

I am so happy to say I will soon be offering curly hair extensions in a wide range of colours , lengths , curl patterns and methods.

I have had so many enquiries for this service so I have decided that I will be starting a wait list and will work though this on a first come first serve basis.

If you would like to join my waitlist simply comment below or message the page and we will let you know how you can be added on.

I can’t wait to help you all embrace your natural curly hair 🤍


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