Find Out How Special You Are

by tarotreadingsbylm Free | p2p

♡ Find Out How Special You Are ♡
Have you ever wondered why am I so different? I look like everyone else but I don’t act like everyone else? What is wrong with me? You may be bullied allot because you are standing out or maybe you feel like you don’t fit in with what is going on with the world? You seem to be on a higher plane. You talk with your family and they look at you like you have two heads not really showing you they understand you…

That can all feel disempowering and hurtful. You can start to feel like you don’t have anyone to turn to. And that can be a painful journey in itself. But what if you could have a place where you could begin to learn about why you are the way you are?

A place where you can truly learn how to unwind your gifts and learn what it is that you have to do with them?

I want to let you know I am thinking of doing workshops. I carry 70 reviews on reddit and 100 on my instagram and I really thought to myself I can’t be the only one out there who wants to change peoples lives.

I see the way readings are done and I feel like sometimes its not the benefit of the client or person we are reading for and sometimes I feel that we don’t have the right advisors in our life.

I truly want to show people all the things I’ve done in my life and make a cohesive plane and practice so people like you and I can thrive and reach their full potenital.

I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts and if I should make a sign up sheet for everyone to join. I am thinking of doing this maybe every Monday or so.

Nothing is set in stone and I want to really hear how everyone feels and take some notes down so I can make this the most amazing spiritual workshop.

Now you are probably thinking, “How much is this going to cost?”
The short answer is nothing! I want you to come in and get this knowledge while its still hot and really all I ask is that you become these wonderful ethical readers and truly learn that you have a gift and how to use it.
Let me know if you’d like to join and I will be providing the details.
Thank you my friends and I hope to see you soon
♥︎ Milan ♥︎


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