Bleu Tangerine MASSAGE Wait List

by bleutangerine  [deleted] Free

We unfortunately cannot perform MASSAGE Services at this point in time.

This wait list is to make it easier to book and reschedule those that wish to get in for one of our current restricted services. We can’t wait to have you in our space and want to accommodate everyone efficiently and safely once we are cleared to expand our employee base and services.

By joining our wait list we will be able to contact you to reserve your service and by no means does your place on the list reflect your position getting in for the services you desire. When the restrictions are lifted we will have more than enough stylists and technicians to go around. Please make sure to include your full name, phone number, email address, service you want done, stylist or technician, and the days and times that work for you.


This list owner has canceled their account. Please contact us if you have questions.