Wait List: The Consortium of Independent Self-Publishing Authors

by great-festival Free

Are you seeking to self-publish a book under an established publishing label which advances the marketing of your book?

Agora is a Canadian-based consortium of independent authors who have developed since 1997 privileged connections to the best copy editors, illustrators, professional typesetters, book designers, ghostwriters, e-book formatters, and retail sales outlets.

Agora also has established connections with TV / radio and other media outlets.

Get your book listed for sale on both BarnesandNoble.com and Indigo.ca.

Contact us to apply to become an Associate Author.

AgoraPublishing.com welcomes Associate Author applications from across Canada and internationally to a limited number of self-motivated authors who apply.

Email: [email protected]

Tel / Text: 514-712-7516

Skype Text: https://join.skype.com/jWhsD8Pcgh5b




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