Join our "The Awakened Magites" Beta Group!

by theawakenedmagi Free

We are opening up The Awakened Magites BETA Online Membership!
Here is what you'll receive:
- Early Access to Extended Cosmic Weather Reports
- Live Q&A Once a Month
- Weekly updates for each sign:
- 2 – 3 Live videos per week on Major Cosmic Weather and how to navigate through it
- Coaching Teasers for each Sun Sign
- Exclusive Freebies, specials and flash sales for members only!
- Live Special Guest Teacher Appearances
- Weekly Morning Meditations
- Specialized Book & Crystal Recommendations + More to enhance your Spiritual Practice

Introductory Price: $11.00 /per month (Beta Members)
After 90 Days: $19.95 /per month

ALSO: First 10 Sign-ups – Recieve 50% off Thirty Minute Personal Video Transit Analysis (Original Price - $75) - Scheduled via Zoom

We will reach out with the membership details after sign-up!
- The Awakened Magi Team

(Invitations /Invoices go out on 09/22/2019!)


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