This is the waiting list to for the Train an AI in 20 minutes workshop at Cyber Palace - If we get enough people I can organise a second class
Facilitated by Tara Pattenden
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, 12/10/2023
Price: $7 + $1.40 BF
Class size: 8
Venue: Cyber Palace
What is an AI model and what does it mean to train your own? Join us at Cyber Palace for a short introduction and hands-on play with Google’s Teachable Machine. We will use the Teachable Machine website to make train an image recognition model and take a look at the variety of ways these models can be used in websites, art projects, apps and more! You’ll get an insight into different types of AI and information on how to continue learning.
You will need a laptop, ideally with a camera. No coding experience is necessary, people of all experience and skill levels welcome.
This session is led by Tara Pattenden, an artist working with a range of creative technology. While she is not an expert in AI, she wants to share fun ways to access the technology.
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