Virtual Workshops

by write on resumes Premium

We are happy to announce our latest service - Virtual Workshops!
Our first series will focus on Resume Writing & Interviewing for Success!

April 20th
Session 1 will focus on all aspects of creating a fierce resume that will gain traction and get you noticed!

Session 2 will be geared towards preparing for your interview!

Participants can register for one or the other. The cost per session is $60.00 or can elect to attend both sessions for a discounted rate of $100.

Each session will be informative and give concrete tips and suggestions to assist you with your job search.

Each session will include a Q&A
period and will come with a detailed debrief for you to keep.

Please indicate when you sign up which session you’d prefer, or if you’d like to attend both.
Make sure your email address is entered in correctly.


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