
by ordioplay Free

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Earn 0.0000001% share of OrdioPlay.
Automatically, transfer and update your share of 0.0000001% in OrdioPlay to 0.0000001% share in Tripple Tree Media And Technology Ltd, the parent company of Ordioplay and benefit from the value earned from future product company launches ( this offer ends 31st January 2026).

Why the shares in ordioplay?
Many people buy products or subscribe to services or products they believe in but do not have any other value derived from it apart from using it. Tripple Tree Media And Technology Ltd believe in community building and giving our early community believers ownership for believing and investing in us.

Why buy the merch?
It helps us to raise some form of capital that will be reinvested into the company as a growth boost and also you tell your friends and family that you are supporting and promoting something amazing.

I do not want the shares.
It's OK not to want anything back as we are not promising financial freedom through it but we do not know if our company will grow into a trillion business in the future, you may want to show your share certificate to your loved ones as a bragging rights that you helped the business. Why the shares in ordioplay?
Many people buy products or subscribe to services or products they believe in but do not have any other value derived from it apart from using it. Tripple Tree Media And Technology Ltd believe in community building and giving our early community believers ownership for believing and investing in us.




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