Small Group Hypnobirthing

by simplynatal Free

I run the occasional small (3 expecting parents plus their birth partner) group 'Plan for the Birth you Deserve' hypnobirthing course, online via Zoom.

My courses are 12 hours in total- usually over 4 x 3 hour sessions and include digital and printed resources and access to the pre-recorded Birth Empowerment Course content.

We cover all of the essentials about hypnobirthing and your birthrights, physiology and planning for the birth you deserve, and as always my support is compassionate and trauma informed. In a group format I can make the cost more accessible at £244 (privately my course is £444), and we can discuss payment plan arrangements too if that helps you.

Helping take people from anxious, unsure, or even terrified, to confident and excited is the best part of my job and something I never get tired of!

If you'd like to double up with friends and essentially share the cost, then let's make it happen!


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