-Own Your Truth- A 4-Week Clarity + Confidence program for MOMprenuers

by pumehana.co Free

We Mompreneurs are tasked with #doingitall with a full face of makeup, perfect beachy waves and a pearly-white smile. Most people don't really understand how hard this shit really is. We're trying to raise good humans, handle the household, run a business... AND POST TO INSTAGRAM! #woof

How are we supposed to be present with our family when we have 10,000 different things on our mind? How are we supposed to "live the life of our dreams" when we feel like all of our major efforts are building someone else's dream??

We put our foot down and say, "No more." That's how.

The 4-week Own Your Truth program was designed to give you space to answer the questions, "Where are you now?", "Where do you want to be?", and "What's getting in the way?"

You'll MAKE the time to dig deep, and OWN who you truly are so that you can confidently and intentionally show up for yourself, your babies, and your business.

This group coaching program comes complete with a digital workbook with exercises curated to help you rediscover your truth, a community of like-minded women dealing with the same struggles you are, and live weekly trainings on how to break through your roadblocks and run toward your dreams.

Mama, you've allowed your limitations to be your truth for too long. It's time to write a new narrative for yourself. It's time to OWN YOUR TRUTH.



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