Ombre Brow Waitlist

Hello Beautiful,

Exciting news! I am officially servicing Long Island clients. Starting March 2024, my books will be open for Ombre Brow services.

Ombre Brows are perfect if you are looking to save time in your daily brow maintenance and makeup routine. The pigments used in this procedure are designed to fade gradually over time, ensuring a natural look that requires less frequent touch-ups compared to traditional brow makeup.

Ombre brows are resistant to water and smudging, offering convenience for activities such as swimming and working out. This durability ensures that your brows maintain their flawless appearance throughout the day. Winter is considered the best time to get this procedure done as there is much less chance of sun exposure.

Wake up with perfectly shaped brows this year. Be first in line to experience the brow magic. I cannot wait to meet you all.

- Selena

*Disclaimer: Must not be pregnant or breastfeeding*


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